E.D. Hackett

Women’s Fiction Author


With a Happily Ever After.

Every time.

About the Author

E.D. Hackett is a speech-pathologist by day and a writer by night. She writes with one foot in the women's fiction genre and one foot in romance. She writes about family dynamics, self-love, and self-discovery. She hopes you fall in love with her characters as hard as she fell in love writing them.

Personally, Edy loves to read women's fiction novels but watch romantic comedies. She prefers fall over spring, ice cream over cake, and walking over running.

She lives in New England with her husband and dreams about one day living on the water.

"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect."

--Anaïs Nin

Typewriter Watercolor Illustration
Purple Square


A semester abroad was exactly what she needed, but falling in love with her roommate was not part of the lesson plan.

When Rory, a driven American seeking a much-needed break from her hectic life, lands in Ireland for a semester abroad, she never imagines sharing her space with Jaime, the charming yet irksome redhead from her flight. A twist of fate entwines their paths, forcing them to live under one roof for four months.

Despite his laid-back demeanor clashing with her meticulous nature, Rory finds herself irresistibly drawn to Jaime's infectious Irish charm and tight-knit family bonds. As they traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Ireland, Rory relies on Jaime's wisdom to navigate the challenges of their travels. It doesn't take long for her to fall for the enchanting Irish experience he offers, which extends far beyond the usual tourist trails.

But as the end of the semester draws near, Rory is faced with a heart-wrenching decision. Will she leave a piece of her heart in Ireland, or was Jaime merely a dream meant to be left behind?

Immerse yourself in E.D. Hackett’s A Match Made in Ireland for a delightful romantic comedy that delves into the magic of Ireland, the beauty of unforeseen bonds, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Buckle up for a journey filled with laughter, tears, and love that you won’t want to miss!

E.D. Hackett Books

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